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CAT 420F 两头忙挖掘机参数详解 | 上海挖百万二手挖掘机市场 CAT 420F Backhoe Loader Specifications Explained | Shanghai Wabaiwan Used Excavator Market


在工程机械领域,CAT 420F 两头忙挖掘机凭借其卓越的性能和多功能性,成为了各类施工项目中的热门选择。无论是建筑、道路建设还是市政工程,这款设备都能够提供高效的作业能力。本文将详细介绍CAT 420F 两头忙挖掘机的关键参数,帮助客户更好地了解这款设备的优势和适用场景。

In the construction machinery field, the CAT 420F backhoe loader stands out for its superior performance and versatility, making it a popular choice for various construction projects. Whether in building construction, roadwork, or municipal projects, this equipment offers efficient operational capabilities. This article will detail the key specifications of the CAT 420F backhoe loader to help customers better understand its advantages and applications.

CAT 420F 两头忙挖掘机的关键参数

Key Specifications of the CAT 420F Backhoe Loader

  1. 发动机性能 / Engine Performance
    CAT 420F 配备了一台Cat C4.4 ACERT™发动机,具有93马力(69千瓦)的额定净功率。这款发动机不仅能提供强劲的动力,还符合最新的排放标准,确保设备在各类工况下都能高效运行。

    The CAT 420F is powered by a Cat C4.4 ACERT™ engine, with a rated net power of 93 horsepower (69 kW). This engine provides robust power while meeting the latest emission standards, ensuring the equipment operates efficiently under various working conditions.

  2. 挖掘深度与铲斗容量 / Digging Depth and Bucket Capacity
    CAT 420F 的最大挖掘深度为4.37米(14英尺4英寸),铲斗容量为0.96立方米(1.25立方码)。这种深度和容量使其能够处理大部分中型挖掘任务,特别适用于需要大量土方作业的施工现场。

    The CAT 420F offers a maximum digging depth of 4.37 meters (14 feet 4 inches) and a bucket capacity of 0.96 cubic meters (1.25 cubic yards). This depth and capacity enable it to handle most medium-sized excavation tasks, making it particularly suitable for construction sites that require substantial earthmoving.

  3. 作业重量 / Operating Weight
    该设备的操作重量为6,970公斤(15,365磅),确保其在操作过程中保持稳定性,并能在各种地形上有效工作。无论是在松软的土壤还是坚硬的地基上,CAT 420F 都能提供出色的抓地力和稳定性。

    The operating weight of the equipment is 6,970 kg (15,365 lbs), ensuring stability during operation and effective performance on various terrains. Whether working on soft soil or hard foundations, the CAT 420F provides excellent traction and stability.

  4. 多功能性 / Versatility
    CAT 420F 两头忙挖掘机不仅具有强大的挖掘能力,还配备了可换装的前铲斗和后臂附件,使其能够轻松切换不同的作业模式。这种多功能性使得该设备能够应对从挖掘到搬运、从装载到推土的各种任务,是施工现场的全能选手。

    The CAT 420F backhoe loader is not only powerful in excavation but also comes with interchangeable front bucket and rear arm attachments, allowing it to easily switch between different working modes. This versatility enables the equipment to handle a wide range of tasks, from digging to hauling, loading to bulldozing, making it a versatile tool on any construction site.

  5. 液压系统 / Hydraulic System
    CAT 420F 的液压系统采用了负载感应系统,能够根据作业需求提供精准的动力输出。这种设计不仅提高了设备的操作效率,还大幅降低了能耗,使其在长期使用中更加经济实惠。

    The CAT 420F's hydraulic system features a load-sensing system that delivers precise power output according to work demands. This design not only enhances the equipment's operational efficiency but also significantly reduces energy consumption, making it more cost-effective over long-term use.

  6. 驾驶室舒适性 / Operator Comfort
    CAT 420F 的驾驶室经过优化设计,提供了宽敞的操作空间和出色的视野。配备了先进的减震座椅和噪音控制系统,确保操作员在长时间作业中始终保持舒适和专注。

    The cab of the CAT 420F is ergonomically designed, offering a spacious operating environment with excellent visibility. Equipped with advanced shock-absorbing seats and noise control systems, it ensures that operators remain comfortable and focused during long working hours.

CAT 420F 两头忙挖掘机的应用场景

Applications of the CAT 420F Backhoe Loader

  1. 土方工程 / Earthmoving Projects
    CAT 420F 在土方工程中表现出色,尤其适用于挖沟、基础开挖和整地等任务。其强大的挖掘力和多功能附件使其能够快速、高效地完成各种作业。

    The CAT 420F excels in earthmoving projects, particularly in tasks such as trenching, foundation digging, and land grading. Its powerful digging force and versatile attachments enable it to complete various tasks quickly and efficiently.

  2. 道路建设 / Road Construction
    在道路建设项目中,CAT 420F 是一款理想的设备。无论是路基施工、路面平整还是排水沟的开挖,这款挖掘机都能提供出色的性能,确保项目按时完成。

    In road construction projects, the CAT 420F is an ideal machine. Whether working on roadbed construction, surface leveling, or trenching for drainage, this excavator delivers excellent performance, ensuring timely project completion.

  3. 市政工程 / Municipal Projects
    CAT 420F 的多功能性使其在市政工程中广受欢迎。从管道安装到公园建设,这款设备都能适应不同的作业需求,并且能够在狭小空间内灵活作业。

    The versatility of the CAT 420F makes it popular in municipal projects. From pipeline installation to park construction, this machine can adapt to various work requirements and operate flexibly in confined spaces.



CAT 420F 两头忙挖掘机凭借其强大的性能、卓越的多功能性和出色的耐用性,成为各类工程项目中的重要设备。无论是大型基础设施建设还是小型市政工程,这款挖掘机都能够提供可靠、高效的作业能力。如果您对CAT 420F 或其他二手挖掘机有兴趣,欢迎访问上海挖百万二手挖掘机市场,了解更多详情并获取专业建议。

The CAT 420F backhoe loader, with its powerful performance, exceptional versatility, and outstanding durability, has become an essential machine in various construction projects. Whether for large-scale infrastructure development or small municipal projects, this excavator offers reliable and efficient operational capabilities. If you are interested in the CAT 420F or other used excavators, visit Shanghai Wabaiwan Used Excavator Market for more information and professional advice.




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