客户背景 / Client Background
位于墨西哥的建筑公司 Construcciones Águila S.A. 正在多个大型基础设施项目中扩展其业务。由于这些项目涉及复杂的地形和紧迫的工期,公司需要高效且可靠的挖掘机设备,同时严格控制采购预算。
Construcciones Águila S.A., a construction company based in Mexico, is expanding its business with multiple large-scale infrastructure projects. Due to the complexity of the terrain and tight deadlines, the company needs efficient and reliable excavation equipment while strictly controlling the procurement budget.
挑战 / Challenge
Construcciones Águila S.A. 面临的主要挑战是找到符合项目需求且价格合理的二手挖掘机设备。同时,设备需要满足当地的施工标准,并且要在短时间内完成采购和运输,以保证项目进度。
The main challenge faced by Construcciones Águila S.A. was to find used excavators that met their project requirements and were cost-effective. Additionally, the equipment needed to comply with local construction standards and be procured and transported within a short timeframe to ensure project progress.
解决方案 / Solution
上海挖百万二手挖掘机市场利用先进的数据分析技术,快速响应了 Construcciones Águila S.A. 的需求。通过分析市场趋势和客户需求,我们为客户推荐了多款性能优越的二手挖掘机,包括品牌如小松、卡特彼勒和日立等。这些设备均经过严格检测,确保其在各种施工环境中的可靠性。
Shanghai Wabaiwan Used Excavator Market leveraged advanced data analysis technology to quickly respond to Construcciones Águila S.A.'s needs. By analyzing market trends and customer requirements, we recommended several high-performance used excavators, including brands like Komatsu, Caterpillar, and Hitachi. These machines were thoroughly inspected to ensure their reliability in various construction environments.
实施过程 / Implementation Process
设备选型 / Equipment Selection:通过数据分析,我们精准匹配了客户需求与市场供应,提供了详细的设备性能报告和视频展示,帮助客户做出明智选择。 Using data analysis, we accurately matched the client's needs with market supply, providing detailed performance reports and video demonstrations of the equipment to help them make an informed decision.
价格谈判 / Price Negotiation:我们利用数据分析优化了价格谈判过程,确保在客户预算范围内提供最具性价比的设备。 We optimized the price negotiation process using data analysis, ensuring the most cost-effective equipment within the client's budget.
物流安排 / Logistics Arrangement:通过数据驱动的物流优化,我们迅速安排了设备的清关和运输,并提供了全程跟踪服务,确保设备准时到达墨西哥。 Through data-driven logistics optimization, we quickly arranged customs clearance and transportation of the equipment, providing full tracking services to ensure timely delivery to Mexico.
结果 / Results
通过数据驱动的精准匹配和优化服务,Construcciones Águila S.A. 成功在预算内采购到了所需的挖掘机设备,并顺利完成了多个基础设施项目的施工。客户对我们的服务和设备质量非常满意,并表示将继续与我们合作,扩大未来的设备采购规模。
Through data-driven precision matching and optimized services, Construcciones Águila S.A. successfully procured the needed excavators within their budget and completed multiple infrastructure projects smoothly. The client was very satisfied with our services and equipment quality, and they expressed their intention to continue working with us to expand their future equipment procurement scale.
联系我们 / Contact Us
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