


您的位置:首页 > 新闻资讯 > 二手挖掘机出口 > 成功客户案例:上海挖百万助力东非铁路建设项目 | Successful Client Case: Shanghai Wabaiwan Supports Railway Construction Projects in East Africa

成功客户案例:上海挖百万助力东非铁路建设项目 | Successful Client Case: Shanghai Wabaiwan Supports Railway Construction Projects in East Africa


引言 | Introduction


Shanghai Wabaiwan has earned the trust of global clients with its excellent service and high-quality used excavators. This article shares a real client case, showcasing how Shanghai Wabaiwan helped a client successfully complete a railway construction project in East Africa, providing comprehensive support and solutions.

客户背景 | Client Background

1. 客户公司 | Client Company:

  • 公司名称 | Company Name: 肯尼亚XYZ建设公司

  • Company Name: XYZ Construction Company, Kenya

  • 公司简介 | Company Profile: XYZ建设公司是一家在东非享有盛誉的建筑公司,专注于大型基础设施建设,包括铁路、公路和桥梁。

  • Company Profile: XYZ Construction Company is a renowned construction firm in East Africa, specializing in large infrastructure projects, including railways, highways, and bridges.

2. 项目需求 | Project Needs:

  • 设备需求 | Equipment Needs: 客户需要购买一批高效、耐用的二手挖掘机,用于铁路建设项目,要求设备能够在各种复杂地形条件下稳定运行。所需型号包括卡特彼勒CAT 330D、沃尔沃EC290和小松PC300-8。

  • Equipment Needs: The client needed to purchase a batch of efficient and durable used excavators for a railway construction project, requiring equipment that could operate stably in various complex terrain conditions. The required models included Caterpillar CAT 330D, Volvo EC290, and Komatsu PC300-8.

  • 物流和出口 | Logistics and Export: 由于项目在多个地点进行,设备需要高效的物流和出口解决方案,确保按时交付并顺利通过各国海关。

  • Logistics and Export: With the project spread across multiple locations, the equipment required efficient logistics and export solutions to ensure timely delivery and smooth customs clearance.

交易过程 | Transaction Process

1. 需求评估和设备选择 | Needs Assessment and Equipment Selection:

  • 详细需求分析 | Detailed Needs Analysis: 上海挖百万团队与客户紧密合作,详细了解项目的具体需求,推荐最适合的设备型号和配置,包括卡特彼勒CAT 330D、沃尔沃EC290和小松PC300-8。

  • Detailed Needs Analysis: The Shanghai Wabaiwan team worked closely with the client to understand the specific needs of the project, recommending the most suitable equipment models and configurations, including Caterpillar CAT 330D, Volvo EC290, and Komatsu PC300-8.

  • 实地考察和试用 | On-Site Inspection and Trial: 客户团队前往上海挖百万的设备仓库进行实地考察,对推荐的设备进行全面检查和试用,确认设备性能和质量。

  • On-Site Inspection and Trial: The client's team visited Shanghai Wabaiwan's equipment warehouse for on-site inspection and trial of the recommended equipment, confirming its performance and quality.

2. 价格谈判和合同签订 | Price Negotiation and Contract Signing:

  • 透明的价格谈判 | Transparent Price Negotiation: 双方进行了多轮透明的价格谈判,确保达成一个公平合理的交易价格。

  • Transparent Price Negotiation: Both parties engaged in multiple rounds of transparent price negotiations, ensuring a fair and reasonable transaction price.

  • 合同签订和细节确认 | Contract Signing and Details Confirmation: 双方签订了设备购买合同,明确了交货时间、付款方式、保修条款以及物流和清关细节。

  • Contract Signing and Details Confirmation: Both parties signed a purchase contract, detailing the delivery schedule, payment terms, warranty clauses, and logistics and customs clearance details.

3. 物流和出口管理 | Logistics and Export Management:

  • 定制化物流方案 | Customized Logistics Solutions: 上海挖百万为客户提供了定制化的物流解决方案,包括设备的包装、运输和装卸,确保设备在运输过程中的安全。

  • Customized Logistics Solutions: Shanghai Wabaiwan provided the client with customized logistics solutions, including packaging, transportation, and loading/unloading of the equipment to ensure its safety during transit.

  • 高效清关服务 | Efficient Customs Clearance Services: 上海挖百万与国际物流公司合作,提供高效的清关服务,确保设备顺利通过各国海关,并按时交付到项目现场。

  • Efficient Customs Clearance Services: Shanghai Wabaiwan partnered with international logistics companies to provide efficient customs clearance services, ensuring the equipment passed through customs smoothly and was delivered on time to the project sites.

客户反馈 | Client Feedback

1. 高质量设备 | High-Quality Equipment:

  • 性能卓越 | Excellent Performance: 客户对设备的高性能和稳定性非常满意,设备在各种复杂地形条件下表现出色,极大提高了施工效率。

  • Excellent Performance: The client was very satisfied with the high performance and stability of the equipment, which performed excellently in various complex terrain conditions, greatly improving construction efficiency.

  • 耐用可靠 | Durable and Reliable: 客户特别赞赏设备的耐用性和可靠性,减少了维修和停机时间,确保了项目按计划顺利进行。

  • Durable and Reliable: The client particularly appreciated the durability and reliability of the equipment, which reduced maintenance and downtime, ensuring the project progressed smoothly as planned.

2. 优质服务 | Excellent Service:

  • 专业支持 | Professional Support: 客户高度评价上海挖百万提供的专业支持和解决方案,包括设备选择、价格谈判、物流安排和清关服务。

  • Professional Support: The client highly praised the professional support and solutions provided by Shanghai Wabaiwan, including equipment selection, price negotiation, logistics arrangement, and customs clearance services.

  • 快速响应 | Quick Response: 上海挖百万团队的快速响应和高效沟通得到了客户的认可,确保了整个交易过程的顺利进行。

  • Quick Response: The quick response and efficient communication of the Shanghai Wabaiwan team were recognized by the client, ensuring a smooth transaction process.

结论 | Conclusion

通过上海挖百万的专业服务,客户成功购买和出口了一批高质量的二手挖掘机,包括卡特彼勒CAT 330D、沃尔沃EC290和小松PC300-8等,设备在东非多个铁路建设项目中表现出色,客户对此非常满意。上海挖百万将继续致力于为客户提供优质的二手挖掘机和全面的解决方案,帮助客户在全球范围内实现项目目标。

Through Shanghai Wabaiwan's professional services, the client successfully purchased and exported a batch of high-quality used excavators, including Caterpillar CAT 330D, Volvo EC290, and Komatsu PC300-8, which performed excellently in multiple railway construction projects in East Africa, leaving the client highly satisfied. Shanghai Wabaiwan remains committed to providing high-quality used excavators and comprehensive solutions to help clients achieve their project goals worldwide.

联系我们 | Contact Us如果您需要更多关于二手挖掘机购买出口的信息或服务,请随时联系我们。我们致力于为客户提供最优质的设备和服务,确保您的项目成功。



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